Friday, February 24, 2012

my happy

1. Coffee and homemade donuts with Morgan and my friend Brenna this morning. Powdered sugar covered, chocolate chip donuts, that is. Yummo. {recipe here}  2. Riding with the windows down on the way home from the gym the other night. It felt so good. Summer, hurry up!  3. Getting a good review at work. Not that I was expecting a bad one, but it's always nice to get a pat on the back isn't it?  4. Starting a traveling love journal with Frank.  5. Making a quick stop at the thrift store the other day and leaving with more fun little kitchen gadgets. My new weird little obsession. Who's the proud new owner of a melon baller? This girl!  6. An impromptu dinner with my parents at our place the other night.  7. Looking up at the night sky and recognizing constellations and even planets {!!!} since learning about them on our date earlier this month.  8. Looking forward to sharing the weekend off with Frank. We don't have any plans, but I can't wait to find out what fun thing we will come up with to do.  

Happy Friday!


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