Saturday, January 21, 2012

lessons in life, love, and forgiveness

I've been under a lot of stress lately. 
Little things adding up...
and then big things like your car that you just paid off needing
three repairs in three weeks time. 

I must admit I haven't been the most fun to be around the past couple of days.
Today, I really just needed some peace and quiet.
I didn't want to have to think about another car repair and how much it was going to cost,
or towing it to the repair shop, blah blah blah.

Well, that didn't happen. 
I had a husband that had to leave to take care of the car, 
multiple phone calls to coordinate the pick up and drop off of said car, 
a toddler that wouldn't nap, and dinner that needed to be made. 

I found myself snapping at everyone I talked to including my sweet little toddler. 
The minute I did it I felt just awful. 
How dare I be bothered that my little guy loves me and wants to play with me so much that he doesn't want to take a break from playing for me to make dinner. 
Right then I stopped what I was doing and sat down on the floor and apologized to my year and a half year old and asked him to forgive Mommy for losing her patience. 
And you know what he did? He leaned in and hugged me. 

That my friends is forgiveness. 
That my friends is a truly humbling experience.
That my friends is a reminder to just take a deep breath and let things go. 

Life throws you curve balls sometimes, but it could be oh so worse, 
and I have so much to be thankful for. 


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