Tuesday, January 31, 2012

25 Rules for Mothers of Sons

I found this on Pinterest.
I'm pretty sure I need to print it out and post it on the fridge.
These are words to live by.

25 Rules for Mothers of Sons 

1. Teach him the words for how he feels
2. Be a cheerleader for his life.
3. Teach him how to do laundry.
4. Read to him and read with him. 
5. Encourage him to dance. 
6. Make sure he has examples of good men who are powerful because of their brains, their determination, and their integrity. 
7. Make sure he has examples of women who are beautiful because of their brains, their determination, and their integrity.
8. Be an example of a beautiful woman with brains, determination, and integrity. 
9. Teach him to have manners.
10. Give him something to believe in.
11. Teach him that there are times when you need to be gentle.
12. Let him ruin his clothes.
13. Learn how to throw a football.
14. Go outside with him.
15. Let him lose.
16. Give him opportunities to help others.
17. Remind him that practice makes perfect. 
18. Answer him when he asks, "Why?" 
19. Always carry band-aids and wipes on you. 
20. Let his dad teach him how to do things.
21. Give him something to release his energy.
22. Build him forts.
23. Take him to new places.
24. Kiss him.
25. Be home base.

This is just another reminder of the beautiful gift our children are to us, the beautiful gift our boys are to us. 

Someday {far, far, far away} I want some woman to thank me for raising my son to be a great man.

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