Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy half birthday my sweet boy

Humor me while I write another post that's mostly for me and keeping our memories alive?

Thanks, friend.


Dear my sweet Morgan,

How can it possibly be that we are celebrating your half birthday and 18 months today? 18 months! That just blows my mind. In the 18 months that we've been blessed with your little soul you have changed and enriched our lives beyond measure.

Firstly, there's the cuteness factor.  Everyday life got a whole heck of a lot cuter once you came around. I mean really, has there ever been a cuter baby than you? Really? I'm in love with your chubby little fingers and toes. Oh those toes! I don't think we get to see those enough, me thinks we shall go sock less a little more just so we can fully soak up the cuteness that is those stubby little toes and chubby feet of yours. And those curls on your head? I'm holding onto those with all my might.

Next, your funniness. I don't think there's a day that goes by that you don't make us laugh. Like when you toot in the bathtub and then let out a little giggle. Or when you start giggling uncontrollably when I take a whiff of your feet and say "pee yew". That joy is infectious, little man. Or how about when you take the orange paint dauber and touch the top with your finger and then rub it on your butt like it's butt cream? Where in the world you got the idea that the orange {only the orange one, I might add} paint dauber is butt cream is beyond me. And when we ask you where your nose is and you stick your little finger right up into it. So funny!

And then there’s your smartness. Man, you never cease to amaze me! Like when you take the keys to the door and try to unlock it from the inside because you want to go "bye bye". Or a couple of days ago when you handed me my water bottle and pointed to the kitchen, leading me to the cup cabinet to get you a cup, and then leading me to the fridge for juice so you can have one of the water/juice concoctions that I’ve started making you. You’re so smart, my sweet boy.
Or how about that fiery temper of yours? I’ve had to stifle a laugh a time or two when you’ve stomped your feet, thrown yourself back, and gotten red in the face because you didn’t get your way. Mind you this is cute and funny when we're at home, not so much when we're out in public.

And your excitement for all things big and small. Walking around eating a little box of raisins? Highlight of your day! Spotting a dog and yelling out “woof woof”? That’s enough to get us both excited!  Spotting a "breach in the security" {as we like to call it} in a heartbeat and booking it towards an open door, open dishwasher, or open laptop? That’s where it’s at. 

And finally your sweetness. You are such a sweet boy from your head down to your toes , and everywhere in between. I’ll always remember the sweet smell of your skin and how I can smell you on your blanket or sometimes on me.  I'll always remember picking you up out of your crib in the morning or from a nap and you leaning into me and hugging as we head towards the changing table. And then just stopping there and cuddling and soaking up the moment. Those are the moments I live for.

I love you little man. And I know you aren't a "baby" anymore, but you will always, always be my baby. I'll always remember you dancing and twirling in circles to any music you hear. I'll always remember holding onto your tiny little hand as you lead us around, showing us around the apartment like it's a new adventure every single time. 

You are a sweet, special little soul and I'll never stop being thankful for the blessing that you have been to me and your daddy. I'm sad to see your baby years go by so fast, but I know that we only have more cuteness, sweetness, funniness, excitement, and smartness to look forward to.

I love you with all my heart angel baby.




Brianna said...

Happy 18th Morgan! I love the one of him in the basket! Toooo cute! :)

.burlap and twine. said...

Thank you :)