Thursday, January 5, 2012


So, I'm not big of resolutions. In fact, 
writing my resolution-ish post on January 5th is just my way 
of rebelling against the whole setting of resolutions traditions. 

Instead, I came up with a list of my intentions for 2012.
Things I intend to do, but won't kick myself in the butt for if I don't.

1. Keep a house cleaning schedule. I do a lot of tidying and picking up through out the day, I mean I pick up the same toys off the floor a bazillion times a day, but I need to be better about deep cleaning on a regular schedule. And dusting? Yea, I should probably start doing that.

2. Work out regularly. I've been thinking about joining the gym at work. It's time to stop thinking about it and do it. 

3. Quit Facebook. I've contemplated this one for a long time now, but it truly is an addiction. The very thought of deleting my account makes me panic-y. That in and of itself shows me that it's something I need to do. I mean really, do I need to know what someone is eating for dinner tonight? ...or post what I ate. Come on, I'm not above admitting I've been guilty of the same.

4. Be more intentional and purposeful in my relationships. This relates to the FB thing above. I want to make the effort to spend time with my friends and find out what's going on in their life straight from their mouth. Not from a short sentence they typed out on FB for 500 of their closest friends to read. I want to meet for coffee or lunch to catch up and actually have something to talk about without knowing everything going on in their life already because I read it on facebook.

5. Unplug more. Are we seeing a trend here? Technology is a great thing, but I think it can really take away from living in the moment and enjoying those around us. I know this one is going to be hard one, what with my new iPad and all :)

6. Eat more healthy foods. Notice I didn't say eat less unhealthy foods. Ha. Sorry, but I just love my chocolate and ice cream too much to give them up. But, I do realize that I need to eat more veggies and make more healthy substitutions in my diet. My goal is to start eating and liking fish {and the deep fried kind doesn't count}.

7. Be more forgiving. I'm a grudge holder. If people hurt me, I have a tendency to write them off and out of my life very easily. I've been working on it and I think I've gotten a lot better, but it is still something I know I need to be conscious of working on. I consider it my biggest character flaw.


Well, I think that's more than enough to work on for this year, don't you? 

Here's to 2012 and embracing it with the best of intentions!


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