Thursday, December 29, 2011

thoughts on c-section

Do you ever read something that just resonates with you so much you feel the need to share it? This blog post did just that for me. It's about the right to a "natural" child birth, in essence, being taken away from you when your only option becomes a c-section delivery.

Unfortunately, I will never be able to have that birth experience. Sure, I could try for a VBAC, but to me, the risks are not worth it. I've accepted the fact that our next little one will be born via c-section, but I'd be lying if I said that here, 17 months later, I didn't still feel "robbed" from that experience I had always envisioned childbirth to be.

Below she explains so perfectly what I've never been able to put into words:

"Having a c-section is everything I did not want in this birth.  Its not about having a scar and its not even about being scared to go through a surgery, although I'm not too excited about that either.
It is about my right as a woman.
I was made for this.  My body was made for this.  I have always imagined the moment of bringing my sweet babies in to the world as the end result of laboring and working so hard to get their little bodies out of me.  I imagined being sweaty and being cheered on with my husband by my side and showing the world that I am a warrior woman who can do anything.  It is about years of dreaming of that moment only now to have it changed.  It is about using my body exactly the way my Heavenly Father intended for it to be used.
Now, that choice is not mine and I am sad."

I love this picture of me holding my sweet angel for the first time, but that is not how I wanted it to be. I didn't want it to be 3 hours after he was born and in the middle of the hallway. That's not how it's meant to be.

There is a sort of mourning process that many women go through that have unplanned c-sections, and ya know what? Some days I think I'm still going through it. And I don't think that's a bad thing or that uncommon, really.

1 comment:

Tunes & Spoons said...

wow, thank you so much for sharing this. I am glad I was able to say what I did. I hope that I can make as positive of an experience out of this as possible. I can't wait to meet this beautiful baby and I am glad now that I have some time to prepare myself for the moment. I couldnt imagine an emergency c section where all of the sudden you are forced to change plans in the moment. I hope that time will heal your wounds of the situation and that you can look back on it with beauty. Happy New Year to you!