Friday, December 16, 2011

my happy

1. A job where I feel appreciated for the work I do.  2. This conversation: Us: "Morgan how old are you?" {Morgan holds up one finger} Us: "Are you one?" Morgan: "Yea". That kid is so stinkin' smart and never ceases to amaze me.  3. Morgan perched on my lap last night as I ate my salad for dinner, and he helped himself to it too.  4. Even better? His face when he popped a salty greek olive in his mouth from that salad. Priceless.  5. My new iPad. I'm in love with it.  6. Surprising my hubby with a "just because" mushy card on the seat of his car this morning. I hope he loved it and knows how much I love and appreciate every thing he does for us.  7. Morgan playing with my phone last night and managing to call Grandpa. Then, proceeding to walk around chatting with him for about 15 minutes. That was an interesting conversation filled with lots of "Hewwwo's", "Yeah's", and "Buh's".  8. Finding the perfect gift for someone on my list.  9. The huge smile I get when I come in the door from work in the morning.  10. Sleeping for 9 hours straight last night. At night. Ahhh. Heaven. 


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