Thursday, January 3, 2013


Pregnancy: 36 weeks
How big is baby?: Estimated to be as long as 20 inches {head to toe} and 6 lbs.

Heartbeat: 156 bpm at todays appointment. He was putting on quite the show for the medical student that measured my uterus and checked in on the heartbeat, apparently he's the most active little one she's seen so far.

Sleep: Not bad thanks again to my lovely husband who has taken up paci retrieval duties for Morgan in the middle of the night. I must say though, I cannot wait to sleep on my back or stomach again!

Feeling: Not bad, just feeling that sweet anticipation!

Movement: He's been really active again this past week. It's been so fun to watch him stick his little butt and limps out.
Belly: I was thinking that it was looking like I had dropped this week which was confirmed at my appointment today. She said he is VERY low.

Countdown to baby: Just over 2.5 weeks to go until my repeat c-section!!

We bought a crib mattress, so now I just have to get around to hanging up a couple of things up on the wall. Once we do, I'll post some pics of his modest little corner in our room. 


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