Saturday, January 19, 2013

thirty-eight....a little late

Well, this will be my last weekly/biweekly pregnancy update. 
It feels so surreal to type that. 
You spend your whole pregnancy counting down to a certain date...the days waiting on your little babe pass slowly, but the weeks fly by and then before you know it you get to the point where the milk in your fridge expires after your due date and suddenly everything seems so real.  
Now, here I am at just over 38 weeks. I feel ready. I feel like we're as prepared as we're going to be for baby #2 to enter our world. I feel like I've soaked up as much time as I can enjoying our simple life as a family of three {imagine that, calling life with a toddler simple, ha!}. 
I just want to hold my baby boy. And smell him. And kiss his sweet head. And see him in his daddy's arms. And see he and big brother meet for the first time. 
2 full days to go. Let's do this. 
Pregnancy: 38 weeks 
How big is baby?: Belly is still measuring 2 weeks "behind". We're thinking 6.5 to 7 lb range.

Heartbeat: 168 bpm at my LAST prenatal appointment Thursday.

Sleep: This past week it has not been great. A combo of my mind that won't quit + my bladder + an aching back + heartburn, does not for a good nights sleep make. Still, I know it's amazing compared to what we're in for in the coming weeks :)

Feeling: The past few weeks I've been feeling pretty great...the past couple of days not so much. I don't know if its pregnancy related or if I caught a little bug, but I've not been feeling too hot. 

Movement: It's slowed a little again, but he's still an active guy.

Belly: He's still sitting pretty low. Like I said above, it is smaller than I was with Morgan and Im still measuring 2 weeks "behind". We're just expecting a smaller little guy this time around {trust me, it's not for lack of eating on my part ;) }.

Countdown to baby: 2 days. TWO.


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