Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Tour 2012

This year, I started out the holiday season with a bang. I mean, we even had our Christmas tree up on Thanksgiving night {a first for me}. 

There was Christmas music filling the house, we were reading Christmas books by the stackful everyday, and drinking eggnog by the carton, before the calendar even turned to December. 

But, sometime between then and now I lost my steam. And yes, I'm going to go ahead and blame it on this little energy zapper taking up residence in my middle {poor guy, already getting the finger pointed at him before he's here to defend himself!}.

So although I pinned, and pinned beautiful after beautiful idea to my Christmas Pinterest board with the best of intentions of bringing those ideas to fruition in our home, it just didn't happen. But you know what, there's always next year.

So all that to say, here is what our home is looking like just a few short days before Christmas. It's not perfect, and it's not what I had envisioned, but it's cozy and it's ours. And if there's anything I've learned over the past couple of years, it's this: it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.

Any guesses on how many times this tree has been redecorated by tiny hands?

Next year I'd like to have four matching stockings. I may DIY some, or perhaps find a crazy good deal at after Christmas sales? 

A little ornament hung on a picture frame.
I look at this photo daily and smile.
I just love that little tush.

We all know I'm obsessed with my chalkboard...

A little deer head action much to Frank's dismay.

Our Christmas books. 
Morgan's favorite? Achoo Santa. Mama's favorite? The Polar Express.

Something in this photo is not like the others.
Can you spy it?

Merry Christmas!

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