Thursday, August 2, 2012

14 weeks

 Pregnancy: 14 weeks

Weight Gain: +1 this morning

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of a lemon or 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces, he/she has almost doubled in weight since last week and keeps on growing.

Sleep: I still cannot get enough. I was lucky to be able to sleep in a lot over the past week and a half while Frank was on vacation, but now he's back to work so I'm at the mercy of Morgan's sleep schedule. The past few days he's let momma sleep in till 7:30am - what a sweetie!

Gender: We'll find out August 18th! {You can bet there's a countdown going on around here}

Names: We haven't discussed it lately. Like I said, our girl's name is picked out. We'll start thinking seriously about boy names if that is what we find out we're having on the 18th {!!!}

Feeling: I think I'm starting to feel the relief that 2nd trimester brings {knock on wood}, but still fatigued easily.
Movement: I'm not sure. Every once in awhile I'll feel something, but nothing I'm positive about. I can't wait until I feel undeniable baby movements and kicks!
Belly: It's gotten noticeably bigger to me this past week. Pants that fit me a week ago are tighter now.{12 week comparison shot here}

Next Appointment: OB: Aug 9th and Elective gender reveal ultrasound: Aug 18th!!


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