Thursday, August 16, 2012

16 weeks

Pregnancy: 16 weeks

Weight Gain: +2 lbs

How big is baby?: Baby's the size of an avocado, or three to five ounces and four to five inches in length.

Sleep: Last night was my first bad night of sleep, I was awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night and had the hardest time falling back to sleep.

Gender: We'll find out tomorrow!!!! I'm really feeling like it's a boy even though we're hoping for a girl. I keep saying I'll probably fall off the table if they actually tell us it's a girl - that's how convinced I am it's a boy.

Names: Have the girl name picked. Undecided on the boy name.

Feeling: I've been pretty tired lately, but I think that has more to do with life than pregnancy right now. {i.e. life with a toddler}
Movement: Yep! I started feeling this little one move around for sure at 14 weeks 2 days. I have only felt 2 kicks though, it's mostly just that swimming/rolling around feeling.
Belly: Not too much change between 14 and 16 weeks I don't think.

Next Appointment: Gender Reveal Tomorrow!

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