Friday, October 21, 2011

What I learned yesterday ...on 30 hours sans sleep

Lesson #1: Don't ever try to function that long without sleep ever again. Never. 

I think I can now say I have been officially initiated into the mom of a toddler club when Morgan screamed at the top of his lungs in a restaurant because I tried to take a bowl of rice and a fork away from him. Twice. {Also: Morgan loves him some rice. By the fist full.} What did I finally do to get him to give up the restaurants utensils so we could leave? Bribed him with a piece of lemon for one hand and  tortilla for the other, just as any good mom would ;) 

Maybe I should start traveling with cookies for such purposes. 

But do you want to know the funny part? I really don't think I would have been so bothered by it if I wasn't utterly and completely exhausted {from working the night before and then trying to function on no sleep after} OR if it wasn't for the completely mortified look on my two childless friends faces whom we were dining with. Yea, that was priceless. {I love you guys to the max, btw}. 

I guess that really does make it official. I'm in the club, and you know what? I don't mind it. Now just remind me of that statement the next time he decides to throw a fit in the middle of a public place again, mmmkay?



Kate said...

I can relate to this completely. It doesn't even phase me anymore, I just find something new to distract her. James on the other hand looks mortified and wants us to leave ASAP because "we're those people" lol. Most people find Izzy to be adorable because she keeps her outbursts to a minimum and who can really be annoyed with a toddler crying because mommy took away her veggies.

Nicole [The Lovely Poppy] said...

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