Friday, March 16, 2012

10 reasons why today was awesome

- Frank let me sleep in until 10am. I'm not even kidding. Apparently I needed it. 

- I started week 4 of couch to 5k. It kicked my ass. I'm now looking forward to kicking it's ass in the days to come. 

- We went for another picnic in the park. I forgot Morgan eats his PB & J's inside out. Thank God for baby wipes. 

- The boys went to the library and for a walk so I could clean the house up. It's a lot easier to do without toddler under foot. 

- I cleaned the house to the Tom Petty Pandora station, with the windows open, and with lilac and vanilla candles burning. Cleaning isn't my favorite, but if it has to be done, this is the way to do it. 

- I got some goodies at the thrift store. I'm definitely becoming a thrift store junky. It's such a high.

- We had a yummy "mexican lasagna" for dinner. I'm stuffed. 

- I got a sweet voice mail from my BFF {sad I missed the call though - stupid phone}. 

- The sun is setting, the baby's sleeping, and there's a cool breeze coming through the sliding glass door. 

- There's a lone Wheat Monkey in the fridge calling my name. 

Happy Friday!


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