Sunday, November 4, 2012


I love this quote.
It holds a whole lot of meaning to me right now as I strive to make our home our own. 
What do I want our home to be? 
I love the layered look of a house that has been made a home over time with hand me downs, thrifted treasures, and new purchases.
But, sometimes that layered look can become too much if you don't edit out the old, less loved stuff as you go.
So, in order to make our home what I want it to be, I have to get rid of all the stuff and only keep that which is useful, beautiful, and meaningful to us. 
The first round of decluttering and purging is usually easy because you're getting rid of the stuff that you don't like or don't need. 
But, the subsequent rounds are a little harder as you decide to part with things that you like or that are cute, but really don't have a good place in your home. This is where I'm at now in most of the rooms in our house. It's a task that is at once scary and freeing. 

Today I tackled the book shelf in the living room. 
It'll probably look different next week:)


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