Friday, December 28, 2012


Pregnancy: 35 weeks
How big is baby?: Estimated to be as long as 20 inches {head to toe} and 5.5 lbs.

Heartbeat: Beating at a strong 152 BPM at today's appointment. Big brother Morgan tagged along with me to the appointment and got to hear the baby's heartbeat again. He got a little freaked out when I was laying up on the table and kept asking if "Mama alright?", but when my OB referred to the heartbeat as a choo-choo train he stopped crying and listened :)

Sleep: As good as is to be expected at this point :)

Feeling: Every day is different. Today? Pretty good!

Movement: We've hit the painful and uncomfortable point. It felt like he was trying to fully stretch his body out yesterday {ouch}. Not yet buddy, gotta stay curled up in there for a few more weeks!
Belly: Big {although everyone just loves to tell me otherwise}. The button has popped out way more than I remember it ever popping out with Morgan.

Countdown to baby: 3.5 weeks to go until my repeat c-section!!

Nesting has kicked back in after hibernating for a few weeks, and I have in the last couple of days washed all the newborn and 0-3 clothes, towels, blankets, moby name it. All we need is to pick up a mattress for the crib and hang a few things on the wall, and little one's corner of our room will be complete! We're ready for you baby boy!


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