Sunday, January 6, 2013

This past week has been wonderful. I had the week off so it was spent filled with lots of quality time with my boys and lots of baby prep. Luckily my nesting came back full force because a few weeks ago when my energy and motivation were at an all time low, I feared it wouldn't happen. Everything is ready for our little mans arrival, and I've moved on to cleaning and packing. Oh yea did I forget to mention we're moving just a few short weeks after little mans arrival? Yep, moving with a newborn, that's how we do it. So now we're slowing becoming surrounded by boxes and blank walls as I want to try to get as much done before he gets here because then I'll be recovering from my c-section and not able to move around quite the same for a few weeks {so not looking forward to recovery}.

We've been soaking up the short time we have left before our family of three becomes a family of four, and I think we've been enjoying it to it's fullest. In the morning it's just me and Morgan cuddled up on the couch watching morning cartoons. Morgan has been extra cuddly this past week - it's almost like he senses big change is coming too and he wants to soak up all the alone time he can with us too.  I've also been making it a point to be the one to give Morgan his bath {which is usually Frank's thing} and have really been enjoying that quiet time just me and him. Bath time is such a special time, perfect for reflection on my first born and imagining life with two little boys...there's usually a tear or two shed, yes. The evenings spent with Frank and Morgan have been wonderful too. There's been lots of cuddle time on the couch, and we've taken to putting Morgan to bed 5 minutes of the day - he can be such a silly little thing when it's time to turn in. 

Every once in a while that feeling I wrote about here creeps in, but overall, I think we've lived these last few weeks to their fullest and really have enjoyed being just the three of us. Now, I just feel ready. Ready to see what my little man looks like, ready to smell him, ready to see him and Morgan together, ready to try breastfeeding again, ready to see what his temperament will be and how he'll compare to Morgan when he was a wee one. So much excitement and anticipation built up in my heart, it just might burst!


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