Friday, October 12, 2012


Pregnancy: 24 weeks

Weight Gain: Oh my this is getting depressing. The weight is finally catching up with me, just as I knew it would....and I'm pretty sure at least half of it went straight to my chest. And we all know I wasn't needing any help in that department.

How big is baby?: An estimated 8.5 inches and 1.5 pounds. 

Sleep: It's been pretty good lately {as long as I have all 3 of my pillows!!}. I've also gotten into a {perhaps bad?} habit of bringing Morgan into bed with me in the morning so we can squeeze in another hour or two of shut eye. And I don't feel guilty about it one bit.

Gender: All boy. It's nice on one hand to already have nearly everything you need when your second baby is the same gender as the first, but it also makes me feel guilty about buying things we don't really need. But, damnit when you're pregnant you want to nest and feel this need to buy things for your new little one. So you wouldn't believe how excited I got about buying newborn paci's, socks, and a new crib sheet the other day haha. 

Names: He has a name. We're still not telling :)

Feeling: Pretty good. There are some aches and pains and some fatigue that just come with the territory, but over all, I think I've been feeling pretty good this past week or two.
Movement: Loving every kick, thump, and roll. I'm going to miss this for sure.
Belly: I think it definitely did some growing over the last week which makes me feel a little better about the huge weight gain over the past 2 weeks too.

Countdown to baby: 15 weeks to go!


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