Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life with Morgan

The other day I had one of those "omghe'snevergoingotbethislittleagain" moments that hit me every so often. So in the hopes of preserving a little piece of what life is like with Morgan right now, I wanted to share 8 things about him that I don't want to ever forget.

1. The way he excitedly calls flies "bees".

2. How obsessed he is with the "boat" song {aka Little Big Town's, Pontoon}, and how we have to play it over and over and over again on youtube.

3. How he shouts "airpane, airpane" every time he sees {or thinks he hears} an airplane.

4. Or, how he shouts airplane or something else when there isn't one in site. It goes a little something like this:
Morgan: Airpane!! Airpane!!
Momma: I don't see an airplane, do you see an airplane?
Morgan: No. 
Just testing us, little man?

5. The way he will randomly walk around sometimes with just one little hand shoved into a pocket. *I melt*

6. How he has gotten even more attached to his paci lately. We've been cutting him off slowly by "accidentally" forgetting it at home or in the car when we go out. The other day we were shopping in Kohl's and he started pointing to the diaper bag, saying "ci, ci" {aka paci}:
Morgan: Ci, Ci!! Ciiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!
Momma: We don't have your paci we left it at home. You're a big boy, you don't need it anyways, do you? 
Morgan: Ci!!!
Momma: We left it at home, Morgan.
Morgan: Go home??
The boy cracked me up! He wanted to go all the way home to fetch that little sucker. Is there some kind of support group out there for paci addicts? I mean really?

7. How seriously obsessed he is with feet, especially my feet. Can toddlers have foot fetishes? It's super weird. He get's any and all of his weirdness from his daddy, in case you were wondering.

8. The way he lifts up my shirt and kisses the baby. Or waves at my belly and says "Hi baby" :)

What a cute/sweet/funny little stinker I have :)

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