Friday, March 9, 2012

my happy

1. The couple of days of spring like weather we had this week. My only request mother nature? Please keep days like those coming. I swear someone should bottle fresh spring air and sell that shit like Prozac. It really lifts my mood that much.  2. Dinner on the grill. Portobella burgers, anyone?  3. Naked baby squeals. Ahh, man do I love my little nudist.  4. That feeling of accomplishment after finishing a Couch-to-5k workout.  5. Smarty pants playing Monkey Preschool Lunchbox.  6. Chair dancing in the high chair.  7. Country music on all day long.  8. Sleeping babies.  9. Freshly baked banana bread. 10. Fridays with my boy. A whole day to do whatever we want. We're thinking some thrifting today. Why not? 

Happy Friday!


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