Tuesday, August 30, 2011

s'more nachos

So today's post is a sacrifice I'm making for you guys.
{Don't you love how selfless I am?}
I'm going to be talking about delicious s'more creations.
And posting pictures of said tempting treats.
And guess what? 
I can't make or eat any of them right now.
Why, you ask?
Because I'm trying to be a good girl and watching what I eat. 
{I've lost 5.6 lbs so far. Yay!}
But, I'm really struggling with giving up the sweet treats.
I have a sweet tooth the size of Texas, and nothing satisfies it like a big, gooey, sticky, yummy s'more.
So in honor of my sweet tooth, which I have been neglecting, here are 5 delicious s'more creations brought to you via Pinterest:

1. S'more nachos. I made these last week for a get together at my house. They were super tasty, but one tip would be to spray your cookie sheet with baking spray first so your ooey gooey deliciousness does not stick. {Recipe here}

2. NO BAKE S'more Nutella Crunch Bars. I haven't had the pleasure of making these {or eating them}, but I'm pretty sure there is no combination of "s'more" and "Nutella" that is not pure amazingness.

3. Graham Cracker S'more Candy.

4. S'more dip. How dangerous does this look?

5. S'more Cookies.

Hopefully I haven't caused anyone to fall off the bandwagon. I'm going to stand strong, but I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling. I never realized before just how much I love to eat and how intertwined delicious food is with my social life. My goal is to get the extra weight off and get to the point where I can enjoy all of the above in moderation. We'll see.

<3 Ashley

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