Wednesday, August 24, 2011

deep thoughts and hard cuts

"I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, 
awful, beautiful life." - Darryl Worley

That song has been on my mind a lot lately. It rings so true to my life right now. It has been a real roller coaster lately. I have so many wonderful things happening {getting married, my shop, my always beautiful baby Morgan}, but there have also been some rough spots {my mom's breast cancer diagnosis, a sick grandma, and other family troubles}.

It seems so strange because usually when life's good it's good. And when it's bad it's bad. "When it rains it pours", right? But, lately it seems to be more like good thing, bad thing, good thing, bad thing. And it's to the point where sometimes I almost feel bad for enjoying the good thing when there's such sad/tragic thing happening at the same time. Am I making any sense? Clear as mud, right? 

So anyways, needless to say with all of this life going on around me I've been a basket of emotions. Yesterday was no exception. 

We've been tossing around the idea of cutting Morgan's hair for awhile now, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I love his messy mop of hair, but it was getting to the point where it was always hanging in his eyes. So, we bit the bullet and bought a pair of hair cutting shears at Walmart yesterday. 

The original plan was to go to a barbershop, but that didn't end up working out. Actually, I'm glad it didn't because it made the experience more special, and more emotional.

After supper we pulled out the scissors, comb, and camera, and the shirt came off. I combed through his long locks and after a little hesitation took the first snip as Frank played photographer. I took a step back and immediately my eyes flooded with tears and my heart hurt. 

With just one snip my little boy went from baby to toddler. I wanted to take it back, undo the cut. I wasn't ready. Well, it was too late. A few snips later and we had a perfectly, imperfect 1st haircut {made with love}.  

Just one of many milestones. Just one of many times my heart will break just a little as my baby grows up. 

<3 Ashley

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